Support Your Immune System

Some Ways To Support Your Immune System

A healthy immune system is vital at any time of year, to keep us well and defend the body against infections. The immune system is complex with many components, and its initial response is usually pretty fast in fighting off infections but when it doesn’t, you can get ill. When you experience symptoms like fever, cough, runny nose, and sore throat, they’re actually a result of your immune response, which is trying to get rid of invading agents. It would be wonderful to develop a silver bullet immunity aid, but the reality is there are no quick fixes. Whilst some people live with compromised immune systems due to underlying health conditions, or the medicines they need, many of us can help protect ourselves in various ways including diet and lifestyle

Iron contributes to the normal function of the immune system, and it’s not uncommon for levels to be compromised in females due to increased demand brought on by the menstrual cycle. As well as green leafy veg, try almonds, sunflower seeds, and meat which are all great sources. Adding a source of vitamin C like lemon juice to plant sources of iron can help to increase its bio availability, which means it helps absorption.

Well-being plays a huge role in optimizing immunity, and a major element of well being is sleep. The stress of our daily lives means we might experience prolonged periods of insomnia or poor-quality sleep, which makes us less able to fend off bugs. When we sleep, ow immune system runs up which can help to combat the source of infection, through a type of inflammatory response. Also, basic hand hygiene is the most effective way of stopping bugs from entering the body. Avoid touching your face, and make sure to maintain your personal space whilst out and about. And if you’re wearing a face covering, be sure to wash or change it regularly.

When it comes to supporting your immune system, Echinacea and thyme are two brilliant herbs. Echinacea is the prime remedy when it comes to helping your body fight both bacterial and viral infections. Research has shown that Echinacea extracts can activate immune cells called macrophages as well as modulate the expression of inflammatory molecules called cytokines. Thyme is known for its strong antibacterial and anti-microbial properties due to the presence of volatile oils, thymol, and carvacrol. It is a great aid in fighting infections, particularly those of the respiratory tract system, such as bronchitis and tonsillitis.

Keep physically active

Aim to be physically active every day for 30 to 60 minutes. Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure and insulin resistance, helps maintain healthy body weight, and protects against a variety of diseases including communicable diseases such as viral and bacterial infections. Adults need at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week plus muscle-strengthening activities on two days each week.

Look after your gut

Did you know that 70 percent of the immune system is in the gut? Immune cells in the gut are constantly monitoring their environment for triggers that may require action. Gut microbes are critical to sustaining a healthful gut environment. Nourishing not only your body, but the beneficial gut bacteria is important to remember. Consuming a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables, including pulses, whole grains, and remembering to exercise will all be promoting gut health and support the immune system.

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